Bethany found a bee hive in our mail box. It was dead (including the bees still in it). This sparked a 'bee trail' for us. She wanted to learn more about bees. So last week we did. It worked well, because a local park was having a honey extraction which we went to . It also has tied right into our apple unit study.

We ate honeycomb cereal, and we listened to "The Flight of the Bumblebee". I made ribbon sticks out of popsicle sticks and streamers. Bethany and Trenton used these to dance to the music.
Here are some of the sites I used for our bee study.
lesson plans
Letter B, arts and crafts including bees
Enchanted Forest has a 'hive' of activities
Bethany is an excited learner. She frequently will come ask me if we can study this or that. Currently on her list is Curious George and ice cream. :) I love this kid.
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