We are enjoying watching the Winter Olympics. This week, I trust we are going to enjoy learning about Canada and the Winter Olympics.
Here's where I'm finding some of our resources:
I liked this for Trenton: a scissor skill activity from DLTK
HomeschoolShare has a wonderful free lapbook
I'm thinking about purchasing this lapbook from A Journey Through Learning ($4)
This link looks like fun...learning about the mascots.
One of the projects I'm going to have Marissa do is to create a brochure that would give a tourists places to stay, visit and be sure to see while in Vancouver.
Vancouver2010 may be a help to her.
She will also read this to find out more about the Vancouver2010 logo.
And this site will help her keep up to date on the medals and what's coming up next.
I'm sure I'll add to this list as the week goes on and we hear or see other things and aspects of the Olympics that we want to learn more about. If you are studying the Olympics, be sure to leave a comment and let us know!
On a semi-related note, I'm thinking of getting Bethany involved in a postcard swap. As we study other countries, it would be so neat to get postcards from places we are studying. So if you are a reader of this blog and live somewhere other than the US, let me know! I'd love to hear from you. (Also, next year, we are going to be studying the United States using Cantering the Country. So, all you readers from other states, get ready! :)
We are also enjoying the Olympics this week. The games have sparked an interest in a variety of countries and their climates. Our main studies for the boys are still centered around Medieval times right now,though, and included a mock battle in the back yard with battle axes they "forged" themselves out of paint stirrers, cardboard and aluminum foil. I can hardly wait to see what sort of adventure will grow out of today's lessons!