Two weeks ago, my oldest daughter and I went to the Midwest Homeschool Convention. We traveled with a friend and her daughter. We had a good time and God used it to teach each of us more about Himself and depending on Him.
The classes I went to focused much on reaching the hearts of our children, inspiring learning and persevering through the journey of life for the glory of God. I'd love to sit down with my notes and blog about the details. I will work on doing that in the next month or so. (Just a side note: we laughed until it hurt at the Tim Hawkins concert.)
My girl took these three pictures while we were at the convention. We walked to a little restaurant and had lunch in this park. So relaxing and refreshing.
From relaxing and refreshing, we now return to 'regular life' where I'd put off washing the kitchen floor for...ummm...a LONG time. My thinking traveled the gamut, everything from "It's winter time and the kids and dog will be tracking in all kinds of inclement elements." Then I thought, "Always such a big job, let me just wait until after the spring rains." Finally I could take no more. The floor was downright dirty.
Yesterday was the day...I got down on my hands and knees (is there any other way?) and scrubbed that floor until well, we could have eaten off it! =)
Now that it is clean again, I love it. And it makes me want to wash it again just to try to keep it clean.
From here it's an easy jump to the analogy of my life and walk with God. If I neglect my daily walk with Him, 'junk' (sin) builds up quickly. Spending time on my knees, scrubbing out the dirt and allowing His righteousness to wash over me, leaves me refreshed and wanting to get on my knees tomorrow. This verse has been close to my heart this week:
You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD GOD is an everlasting rock. Isaiah 26:3-4
Jesus, draw me nearer. Nearer Lord to thee!
Be sure to visit Home Sanctuary and connect with other Company Girls. Thanks for stopping by!
I enjoy blogging and I really enjoy writing. I just have seemed foggy-brained and distracted lately. I'm still evaluating why and what changes I need to make in order to correct this rather large problem. Some initial thoughts on what is causing this:
too much time reading facebook and the short little status' are feeding my inability to focus.
trying to work on school and chores with the kids which leaves me tired and 'empty' at the end of the day
Have you gone through times like this--where your brain just seems devoid of intelligent thought? You can't remember why you walked into a room and have to go back to the first room to try to remember? You can't utter one complete sentence without stammering or calling your daughter the dog's name?
Oh to have some clear thoughts! Don't leave me for not blogging--that will just add more issues to the ones I already have. :)
I've missed posting to Company Girls for the last couple weeks, so I'm glad to be able to do it day late...but still, here I am. I've enjoyed reading and trying to accomplish Rachel Anne's Small Things. March was my first full month and I'm looking forward to keeping up even more this month.
I so enjoy company and love to meet new friends. In addition, spring seems to be here, really here! Seeing the sun shine and feeling the warm it gives, digging in the dirt and planting and most of all, hearing my children laugh and play outside have ALL helped lighten my heart. God is good and gives us incredible blessings. Open my heart and eyes, God, to what You want me to see and do. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you visit again! To my regular reading friends, thanks for coming back to check on me after longs days of not posting. You encourage me!
Two weekends ago I was blessed by being able to attend a women's retreat. Sponsored by our women's Sunday school class, the retreat was held at a state park lodge. The scenery including a big lake was beautiful and so relaxing. The theme of the retreat was The A.R.T. of Fellowship. Our sessions, games, and decorations centered around Abiding in Christ, Relationships with others, and using our Talents to glorify God, build up the body of Christ and be a light to the rest of the world. We each received a little 3x3 canvas to paint something to remind us of the weekend. This sweet little girl was on the promotion material for the retreat and I wanted her on my canvas! I talked a friend into pencil drawing her on my canvas (which is why she actually resembles the little girl) and then I painted her. She sits on my kitchen counter and is a visible reminder of The A.R.T. of Fellowship.
This week the kids and I spent each morning reading Scripture leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus. I am deeply humbled and grateful for the amazing grace and mercy given to me. The blood of Jesus shed for me...I thank God for the faith and heart to even try to take in this life-changing event. I pray that you will set aside time this weekend (and every day) to spend with Jesus, our Savior and our Lord.
A friend posting this on her facebook and it was really good...I'd never heard it before...
Lastly, I found this Resurrection Garden idea and I REALLY want to do this next year with the kids.