Saturday, June 6, 2009

Once upon a time...

I was a senior in high school! Incredulously, I'm sitting here thinking about how today, 20 years ago, I graduated from high school.

Just to say...could my glasses be any bigger? I know, I know, it was the style, so let's move on. 8)

God has been amazingly faithful, loving and compassionate to me over the years. I've grown to know Him and love Him as my Father. He has protected me from myself and forgiven my sins (continually). He's shown me justice, mercy and grace abundantly. And although the long lasting consequences of past sins remain, He has made all work together for good; a blessing words cannot describe.

20 years have past since my high school graduation...20 years of learning, growing, loving and living. My prayer for the next 20 years, should He tarry, "Guide me with Your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny (Psalm 73:24)."

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