Saturday, February 10, 2007

Everything Must GO!

Okay, not everything, but some things must. For those who know me, you know that I routinely go through the 'stuff' in our house and give away what we are not using. Although there is that unwritten rule that as soon as I give something away or throw it away--I need it! I'm not sure why that happens, but it has happened more than once, get the idea.

Regardless, I'm going through each room, closet, drawer, etc. and ridding ourselves of abundance! (Visit this link for more on celebrating abundance.)

First stop, the baby boy's linen organizer. How many baby blankets does one sweet boy need? Well, certainly not 15! So, I put at least half of them, maybe more, into a bag to give to the local crisis pregnancy center.

Stop 2, oldest daughter's "too big" clothes container. My daughter has the fun of receiving clothes from her cousins and we save them until she can wear them. Periodically we obviously need to go through them to see what fits now. We did that and were able to empty two 'under the bed' boxes. I'm enjoying this!

So, not that I'm keeping count, but I now have 3 white bags of clothes and misc. for Goodwill and one white bag for the crisis pregnancy center! These bags will be delivered today. I also toted out 2 boxes for recycle. I'm really enjoying this!

My next big job will be to tackle the room Marissa uses for her schooling and we also use for crafting. It is going to be a big job. I'm sure I'll enjoy it when it is finished, but maybe not so much in the process of decluttering.

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