Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A Good Food Plan

First, I have to tell you that I'm a big skeptic when it comes to "easy", "fast", etc. weight loss efforts. Second, I have to tell you that I enjoy eating healthy and as naturally as I can. Third, I have to tell you that I've lost 12 pounds on this food plan!

The food plan outlined in this diet is normal foods like salad, chicken, egg salad, oatmeal, fruit, etc. The outline is easy to follow and includes a shopping list at the beginning of each week. It is set up for 30 days and I am 13 days into the plan. Basically, bottom line truth, I was eating W.A.Y. too much food. This tells me exactly how much to eat without the burden of weighing, counting, etc.

It does cost money, $37, but really it's been worth it to me. Altering my portions and eating lots of veggies is a lifestyle I can continue and that is important to me. I do not want to go back to where I was. The material is copyrighted or else I would share more details with you, but go to the website and read all about it, if you want.

(NOTE: Although the website says that if I refer someone I do get some sort of kick-back, I'm not telling you all for that reason. It's worked for me when I've struggled to get a handle on this--that's why I'm telling you. Please use your own discretion and be safe, consult your doctor and all that other stuff. )

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